Jim Davidson - Coral Gables Trust Company - What You Need to Know!
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Building stronger client/advisor relationships on a personal level.

Building stronger client/advisor relationships on a personal level.
Within the financial services industry, opinion is mixed on whether wealth management professionals should give clients advice on personal matters, on issues that do not relate to the client’s economic picture. Some practitioners give this practice a wide berth, reasoning that giving personal counsel could lead to trouble or damage the advisor-client relationship, especially if the client disagrees with the advice or the recommendation works out badly. But here’s another way of looking at it: judiciously handled, extending guidance to a client on non-financial matters can strengthen the relationship and provide benefits for both client and financial professional. You have to proceed carefully, of course, and the recommendations you give must be at arm’s length, and solid advice. Some advisors just talk, talk, talk, and go through the numbers with the client. But if you instead listen, you can learn so much more. Listen with empathy and be an active listener....
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